Bachelor of Science
Education (Elementary Endorsement) Degree
Develop and sharpen your skills towards becoming an elementary teacher.
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Education (Elementary Endorsement) Degree
Experiential learning for aspiring elementary teachers.
The Bachelor of Science in Education is designed to prepare you to become an influential teacher in elementary education. This experience-oriented teacher education program is built around field assignments in K-6 grade classrooms where you will gain over 125 hours of practical field experience.
You’ll benefit from small class sizes, flexible class schedules, and when you begin student teaching, having your own instructors come to visit you in the classroom. All these experiences prepare you to confidently begin your career teaching elementary students.
If you want to teach secondary students, view those requirements.
A transfer-friendly education degree.
Whether you are currently enrolled in college, began your degree years ago, or served in the military, we honor the credits you’ve already earned. Cut down on time and the cost of your degree when you get maximum college credit transfer without repeating courses. Talk to us about our generous transfer policy and how you could start your teaching career sooner.
National teaching standards. Learning experiences designed for all students.
This bachelor’s degree in education uses national model core teaching standards to articulate what effective teaching and learning looks like, in line with the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) principles. You will be prepared to become a competent elementary or middle school teacher using developmentally appropriate, challenging learning experiences and learning environments designed for all students to reach their full potential.

Add an endorsement to elementary teaching in the area you're passionate about.
Your path to an elementary education degree:
- Choose the BS in Education (Elementary Endorsement) Degree as your major (Core – 38 credit hours) with the Elementary Ed. Field Endorsement — Required
- Add a Subject and/or a Supplemental Endorsement — Optional
Integrative General Education Credits
Major Requirements Credits
Elective Credits & Endorsements
= 127 Total Credits*
†Minimum elective or endorsement credits.
Field Endorsement – Required
Enables you to teach all elementary subjects in kindergarten through grade 6.
Credit Hours | Grade Level | |
Elementary Education | 42 | K–6 |
Subject and Supplemental Endorsements – Optional
You can earn optional endorsements along with your elementary endorsement.
Credit Hours | Grade Level | |
Middle Level Education | 38–40 | 5–9 |
Information Technology | 18 | Pre-K–12 |
English as a Second Language (ESL) | 15 | Pre-K–12 |
Take the next step toward becoming a teacher. We’re ready to help you get there.
What You’ll Learn
The overall goals of the bachelor of science in education program reflect the values of effective teaching and the preparation of students. Curriculum has been developed to ensure you are prepared in your content area as well as provide you with effective strategies to design learning experiences for all students.
The goals of the B.S. in Education adhere to the model standards found in the InTASC guidelines:
- Design developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences to meet individual student’s needs
- Create learning environments that allow students with different learning needs and cultural backgrounds to be successful
- Create an environment that supports individual and collaborative motivation to learn while encouraging positive social interactions and engaged learning
- Teach and create content-area learning experiences that provide meaningful experiences for learners
- Engage learners in critical and creative problem-solving within a content area in order to address current issues
- Use multiple methods of assessment, communicate with students about their progress, and help them integrate feedback into their learning
- Plan instruction that supports every student.
- Use a variety of instructional strategies to build skills and encourage learning.
- Reflect on personal ethical practices in education and how this affects the learning environment
- Reflect on interactions with those involved in the learning process and adapt future practices
Education (Elementary Endorsement) Degree Courses
Current students please login to BRUIN and select “Academic Progress” for your curriculum requirements.
Requirements (38 credit hours)
Teaching Education Core Courses
Click a course name below to view course details.
This course provides an overview of the nature of the teaching profession including the purpose, history, philosophy, organization, curriculum, alignment and standards in U.S. public school education. In the process of addressing the foundation areas, particular attention will be given to the education of all populations and their respective backgrounds, contributions, and rights; the legal and ethical foundations of schooling and teaching; and the organizational structure of schooling in the United States. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 202.
This course provides education students a reflective and guided entry into elementary or secondary classrooms as students observe instructional methods, physical arrangements of classrooms, skills implemented, and strategies used. Students are to visit various classrooms in rural, suburban, and urban schools. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 201.
This course introduces teacher candidates to skills needed in master teaching. Included will be unit and lesson planning, classroom organization, record keeping, self-reflection practices, time management, classroom rules and expectations, personal qualities, and effective communication. This course will also introduce students to the conceptual framework and program expectations.
This course provides students with an awareness of education technology and how it can be used to enhance the teaching and learning processes. Hands-on experiences will help broaden student knowledge and use of digital media tools and techniques.
This course is a study of the issues related to cultural pluralism, dehumanizing biases, human dignity and individual rights, and the ability to relate effectively to others in the diverse educational setting. The course meets the human relations requirement of the Nebraska Department of Education.
This course introduces theories of learning, motivation, and development of children and adolescents, particularly associated with how students relate physically, morally, cognitively, socially, and behaviorally. Recognizing the diverse stages of development that exist in a learning environment, effective teaching strategies, classroom management, and assessing student progress will be addressed. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 242
This course includes a minimum 15 hour field experience component that aligns with concepts discussed in EDUC 241. Students will observe and assist in a classroom while reflecting on how different stages of development affect the learning environment. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 241
This course provides a foundation on differentiated instruction in order to serve the developmental, emotional, academic, and social needs of exceptional and gifted learners. This course includes these programs’ processes, legal requirements, resources, and history, for creating differentiated and inclusive classrooms. The course meets the special education requirement of the Nebraska Department of Education. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 262
This course includes a minimum 20-hour field experience component that aligns with concepts discussed in EDUC 261. Students will observe and assist in a regular classroom that includes students with exceptional learning needs. The course meets the special education requirement of the Nebraska Department of Education. Prerequisite: Signed and filed Good Conduct Statement and Personal Fitness forms. Enrollment relies on there being a current criminal background check filed at the Teacher Education Program office. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 261
A study of the concepts, skills, tools of inquiry and methods of instruction necessary for the study of social studies in elementary and middle schools. This course will develop the skills needed to create learning experiences that make all aspects of the field of social studies meaningful for students. Emphasis will be placed on geography, economics, sociology, anthropology, political science and history. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program; Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 351 or permission from the Program Director.
An overview of the reading process (using graphophonic, semantic, and syntactic aspects of language) focusing on historic and current philosophies of reading instruction. This course acquaints students with the developmental reading process in elementary and middle grades presenting a variety of instructional approaches, examines current materials and ways to organize the classroom for reading instruction, emphasizes the reading-writing connection, and the value of good literature. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program; Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 351 or permission from the Program Director.
Candidates will participate in a supervised 30-hour field practicum designed to link theory with practice in social studies and language arts classrooms. Completion of at least 30 hours is required in order to pass the practicum course. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program; Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 330 or EDUC 350, or permission from the Program Director.
This course focuses on the methodology, processes, and content of reading and writing in the content areas. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program
This course is a study of the comprehensive research-based framework on cognition and learning in relation to classroom applications and management. The framework will provide students with a basis to improve the quality of teaching and learning in any content area. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program
This course will examine a full array of assessment procedures, both formal and informal, as well as current trends and issues of assessment and evaluation of student performance. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program.
Student Teaching is the capstone experience in the teacher education process. This is a practical application of learning principles in the classroom with a progressive introduction into full teaching responsibilities at multiple grade levels. Student teaching occurs for 14 consecutive weeks, two weeks beyond the normal term. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program, permission from the Program Director, and a minimum GPA of 2.75.
Kirkpatrick Signature Series Requirements (9 credit hours)
(In addition to the Major Requirements, all Bellevue University students must complete the Kirkpatrick Signature Series)
This course focuses on the political and philosophical traditions of the American republic, especially as embedded in the ideals, values, traditions, founding documents, and institutions of the United States , and considers how these traditions relate to individual citizenship and global society. Prerequisite: 60 Credit Hours
This course focuses on the creative tensions that exist between the forces of tradition and change as the country undergoes social, cultural, and political change. It considers the manner in which change can renew the vitality of a republic. Prerequisite: 60 Credit Hours
This course examines civic engagement in relation to individual freedoms and responsibilities. It fosters engaged citizens, empowered to effect positive change. Prerequisite: 60 Credit Hours
General Education Courses
Take general education courses that do more than fill a requirement. At Bellevue University, these courses build foundational skills that apply to any career—critical thinking, qualitative reasoning, and ethical leadership. And, you can take courses individually or in course clusters, which connect three courses around one theme, building skills as you go.
Endorsement and Elective Courses
Endorsement courses are specific to the area of teaching you have selected and are required for teacher certification.
Our broad range of electives also allows you to select courses related to your major and endorsement area or expand your perspective in other areas of interest.
University Accreditation
Bellevue University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (
Whether a college, university, or program is accredited is important to students with financial aid, employers who provide tuition assistance, donors, and the federal government.

Bellevue University has been granted Standard Approval by the Nebraska Department of Education to offer a program that gives students an opportunity to complete a bachelor degree and become certified in elementary, middle, and secondary education. This approval allows Bellevue University to place teacher education candidates in clinical practice/student teaching and recommend candidates to the Nebraska Department of Education for teacher certification.
This program is considered a non-licensure degree/certificate program and is not intended for those seeking licensure or the practice of licensed profession. This program may be relevant to multiple occupations that do not require licensure and was not designed to meet educational requirements for any specific professional license or certification.
Bellevue University has designed this program to meet educational requirements for teacher certification in the state of Nebraska only. In 2022, a change was made to Nebraska state law impacting teacher education preparation and certification with regard to the requirement to take a basic skills competency exam. Based on this change to state law, Bellevue University discontinued the requirement to take basic skills competency exams. However, the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) has not yet released information on how it will assess and approve candidates for teacher certification without a basic skills competency exam. Bellevue University, along with all other teacher education stakeholders in the state, is awaiting further information from the NDE on how this change to state law will be implemented and precisely how it will impact candidates for teacher certification in the state. This information will be updated upon further action and guidance from the NDE. In the interim, Bellevue University cannot make any representations about the ability to attain teacher certification in the State of Nebraska without passing basic competency exams. Students should contact the NDE for additional information or questions on the changing certification requirements.
This program is offered only as a residential program to Nebraska resident students in the State of Nebraska, where Bellevue University has determined it meets educational requirements for a specific professional license or certification. For full information about where this program is offered and how it relates to state-specific licensure/certification educational requirements, please review your state's information under "State Licensing/Certification Requirements" our State Licensing/Certification webpage at
*Consult with an admissions counselor to determine your eligible credits, as well as to verify minimum graduation requirements for this degree. Transfer credits must be from a regionally accredited college or university. Bellevue University makes no promises to prospective students regarding the acceptance of credit awarded by examination, credit for prior learning, or credit for transfer until an evaluation has been conducted.
Get credit for what you’ve earned.
Accelerate your path to earning a degree.
Thanks to our generous credit transfer policy, you can avoid retaking the classes you’ve already completed, and chip away at the credit requirements you need to complete your degree.
- Already have an associate degree? You could accelerate your bachelor's degree completion. Transfer your full associate degree or even your A.A.S.*
- You may be able to get credit for your military experience and training.
Finish Faster

*Acceptance of transfer credits is always subject to official transfer credit evaluation by Bellevue University.
We work with the experience you bring to the table for your Bachelor of Science in Education degree.
Customize your degree and gain the education requirements for a teacher.
The bachelor’s in education program is customizable, allowing you to personalize your experience, meaning you choose what to focus on. Depending on which endorsement(s) you pick, your experience will be versatile and fulfilling. Whether you choose a single endorsement or multiple, you will get a focused student teaching experience that will grant you the hands-on experience you need to succeed in a school setting.
On-campus classes offered on a convenient schedule.
If you prefer an in-person learning experience, our Omaha-area campus offers classes that accommodate the working professional’s schedule.
Tuition & Financial Aid
It’s more affordable than you think.
Earning a degree is an investment in yourself, and we want to help you make sure it’s a wise one with a generous credit transfer policy and competitive tuition rates.
2024 / 2025 Academic Year
$339 In-Class Cost Per Credit (Daytime Residential Only) $250 Military Preferred Cost Per Credit
(Additional fees may apply to individual courses within your major requirements)
Only pay for the credits you need.
Talk to us about our generous credit transfer policy so you can make more of the credits you’ve already earned count toward your degree.
Get help with financial aid.
Our counselors will guide you to find a financial aid plan that works for you. Explore all the ways to help pay for your degree.
Make your goal of becoming a teacher a reality. We’ll help make it happen
Removing barriers to the education you deserve.
College is challenging, but getting in shouldn’t be. We have simplified our requirements for admission and we do not require entrance exam scores like the ACT or SAT—so you can get on track to achieving your goals. Here’s how it will go:
To be admitted to Bellevue University, provide proof of high school completion. We accept the following forms of documentation:
- Official high school transcript
- GED certificate
- Homeschool letter of completion
- Certificate demonstrating that the student has passed a state authorized examination recognized by the state in which it is awarded — equivalent to a high school diploma.
- Self-certification on application.
You’ll just need to complete the application and submit the following:
- Official high school transcripts or proof of high school completion
- If applicable, official transcripts from any college or university you previously attended
- A one-time $50 application fee
- Note:
- International students must provide a few extra documents. See international student bachelor admissions details.
- Students applying for a cohort-based major must possess an associate degree or 60 semester hours completed with a grade of "C-" or higher from an accredited institution of higher learning. If you do not meet this requirement, you can build your credits directly with Bellevue University.
Short on time? You can start the application and save your progress as you go. Start your application >
You'll just need to create an account and complete a pre-application to Bellevue University through Guild. Once you receive confirmation that your pre-application to Bellevue University has been approved, you'll need to complete the required steps to get fully accepted and registered. These include:
- Submitting transcripts from past institutions
- Completing the FAFSA, per your employer's benefit requirement
If you’re transferring from another institution of higher education, you must submit an official transcript from each accredited institution you previously attended. Here are a few details to note:
- A transcript can be emailed securely to [email protected] or by mail. It is required to be sent directly from the issuing institution to Bellevue University's Office of the Registrar to be considered an official document. Please check with previous institution for available sending options.
- Applicants who submit an official transcript which reflects a two-year degree from a regionally accredited postsecondary institution are not required to show proof of high school completion.
- Transcripts must be submitted even if credits were not earned at the previous institution or if transfer credit is not granted.
Degree Specific Admission Requirements (in addition to the Bellevue University requirements for admission)
Enrolling in a minimum of one field endorsement or one subject endorsement is required. Students should contact their student coach for information about the specific endorsement course requirements.
The Teacher Education Program at Bellevue University has gateways, known as Checkpoints, to assist each teacher education candidate through the program, providing assurance that all requirements for the program are being met and that the candidate is prepared for licensure.
Students may opt to pursue a degree in the academic area related to their endorsement(s) in addition to or instead of the BS in Education. Regardless, they are required to complete the 36-38 credit hours of required Teaching Education professional core courses.
Ready to get started?
Reach out to admissions.
- Get your questions answered about the Education (Elementary Endorsement) Degree
- Understand your financial aid and scholarship options
- Map out a schedule that fits with your priorities