Kirkpatrick Signature Series

(9 credit hours)

General Education Overview

The Kirkpatrick Signature Series is the intellectual linchpin of Bellevue University's undergraduate degree programs. The series focuses on various institutions and traditions of Western Civilization that have achieved unprecedented success in the United States. It finds ground for intellectual, social, and cultural progress through the productive tensions that can arise between tradition, change, freedom, and responsibility.

The series also highlights the importance of active citizenship in a rapidly changing world; one in which popular government, Western tradition, and American values are sometimes severely tested. With an emphasis on active intellectual discussion and experiential learning; this series affirms the values of limited government, popular rule, entrepreneurial processes, and reflective inquiry.

The Kirkpatrick Signature Series fits an information-age philosophy and reflects a dynamic approach to the complex realities of life in the 21st Century.

(Click a course name below to view course details)

This course focuses on the political and philosophical traditions of the American republic, especially as embedded in the ideals, values, traditions, founding documents, and institutions of the United States , and considers how these traditions relate to individual citizenship and global society. Prerequisite: 60 Credit Hours

This course examines civic engagement in relation to individual freedoms and responsibilities. It fosters engaged citizens, empowered to effect positive change. Prerequisite: 60 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the creative tensions that exist between the forces of tradition and change as the country undergoes social, cultural, and political change. It considers the manner in which change can renew the vitality of a republic. Prerequisite: 60 Credit Hours

There are no substitution, ELA, or transfer courses for the Kirkpatrick Signature Series.